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黃崇哲學長(斗六高中畢),是靜宜英文系2004畢業系友,目前在桃園開設專門給國高中學生的英文補習班-黃杰英語補習班,擔任國中、高中英文講師 ,特殊英語教學法造福相當多學子,也成為有名氣的補教名師 。

🫶崇哲學長就讀英文系的心得:謝謝靜宜英文係教授們給我學習英文後的方向 四年的聽說讀寫,身為海鷗組,到處飛的我在文學組、語言學組裡面取得了一個平衡,找出自己的興趣卻是在「教學組」,學校資源很多,得靠自己去挖掘出寶貴的資源,尤其是辦英文話劇與教授們的討論以及當英文系副會長那一年對於 籌辦分區迎新、大一錄影、大一二三英劇、藝術月…. 大大小小活動確實讓我成長不少。 感謝母校給我機會,在步入社會之前,已經練就了一身好功夫 ,讓我更加自信地走進教學的領域,感激母校靜宜英文係給予我的機會練習,這將使我能夠在英語教育中發揮更大的影響力。

🫶崇哲學長給學弟妹的鼓勵:Winners never quit; quitters never win. 在學習英文的過程中,有時我們可能會感到迷茫,不確定自己的能力以及未來的出路。然而,我們應該明白,英文是一門廣泛應用的語言,世界各地都需要具備英文能力的人才。因此,不論是就業還是其他機會方面,我們有許多工作可以從事。 首先,英文教學是一個很好的選擇。隨著全球化的推進,需求量大的英文教師不斷增加。無論是在國內或國際教育機構,都有許多機會可以教授英語。這不僅能夠增強自己的英文能力,還能夠將知識傳授給學生,影響他們的學習和成長。 其次,翻譯和口譯是另一個廣泛應用的領域。隨著國際交流的頻繁進行,需要將不同語言之間的信息溝通起來。作為一名英文能力優秀的翻譯或口譯人員,你可以在各種場合發揮作用,例如商務會議、文化交流、學術研討會等。這不僅要求對英文的熟練掌握,還需要具備良好的跨文化溝通能力。 再者就是從商,不是只有國外貿易,還有公關和傳播,在公關機構或企業的傳播部門工作,負責撰寫新聞稿、策劃活動、處理媒體關係等。英文專業的寫作和溝通技巧將會對您在這個領域中的成功非常有幫助。學弟妹們優勢在於比商學院的學生多一個工具——— 英文。其他工作相關係商業知識,就職前或過程中努力學,一年左右就能駕輕就熟。 另外,公關會和行銷、市場營銷連接性很大,在行銷部門或廣告代理公司尋找工作機會,參與市場調查、編寫廣告文案、執行線上營銷活動,或協助制定品牌策略和推廣方案。 最後一點建議學弟妹的是「務必」做一個自媒體,如果對創意表達有濃厚的興趣,可以成為自由媒體人、撰稿人、部落客、網路內容創作者或社群媒體經營者。善用網路自媒體,讓不認識的人認識你,任何工作或事業助力真的很大, 想方設法讓你的網路映像跑在你真實個人之前。 Changing Your Life Through Self Media In the digital age, self media has emerged as a powerful platform that can truly transform your lives. Through self media, individuals have the opportunity to express their thoughts, share their expertise, and build a “loyal” audience. Self media can be helpful for personal and professional growth, enabling individuals to shape their lives in remarkable ways. Firstly, self media empowers individuals to showcase their unique talents. Whether it's through Instagram, Podcast, YouTube or TikTok, self media provides a platform for people to share their knowledge, experiences and creative endeavors with the world. By consistently producing valuable content, individuals can attract a great number of viewers. Secondly, self media opens doors to new opportunities. As individuals gain visibility and credibility through their self-media channels, these opportunities can lead to additional income streams, professional connections and career advancement. Self media allows individuals to leverage their personal brand and expand their reach beyond traditional boundaries. Through interactions with their audience, self media provides a platform for networking, builds communities and enables individuals to create their own career paths so that you can cultivate a strong personal brand and deliver value to your audience. In conclusion, self media has the power to change your lives. Through expression, networking, community-building, you can transform your passions into successful careers. By leveraging the digital and consistent self-media spread, you surely can create a meaningful impact, gain financial independence and ultimately make great contributions to our society. As long as you believe you can do this, the road to success will open its arms to embrace you. Sincerely, Angus Huang