

  • 名稱
    Wenying, Tiing
  • 連絡電話
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  • 最高學歷
    國立彰化師範大學 英(國)語(文)學系 博士
  • 研究專長
年度 參考文獻格式
2014 Ting, Wen-Ying(2014). Effectiveness of Connected Speech-Focused Instruction and Stress-Focused Instruction on Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Speech Intelligibility. Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation, and Interpretation, Vol. 11, No. 0, p.p57-70 [其它].
2013 Ting, Wen-Ying ; Kuo, Feng-Lan, Su, Hui-Ying(2013). Factors affecting Chinese EFL Learners' Intelligibility. Spectrum (10), Vol. 10, No. 0, p.p101-114 [其它].
2012 Ting, Wen-Ying; Kuo, Feng-Lan(2012). Messages behind the Unheard Sounds: Crossing the Word Boundaries through songs. 國立彰化師範大學文學院學報, Vol. 5, No. 0, p.p75-92 [其它].
1987 丁玟瑛(1987). fdfasd. fasfsda, Vol. 1, No. 2, p.p0-0 [其它].
年度 參考文獻格式
2020 Ting, Wen-Ying(20201106~20201107), Integrating the stoytelling-based curriculum design into teacher-education courses, International English Education Conference/Competency-based English Teaching.
2018 丁玟瑛(20180623~20180623), The Visual Subplot in Leo Lionni's Introspective Picture Books, 第20屆全國兒童語言與兒童文學學術研討會(p.p1~18).
2016 丁玟瑛(20161203~20161203), Enhancing Literature through Language: A Dialogue Approach to Poetry, 2016 International Conference on Foreign Language Education adn Asian Multidimensional Cultures.
2014 Ting, Wen-Ying(20141018~20141018), The Effect of Prosodic Fluency in Poetry-reading on Gaining Primary Understanding of Poetry, 2014 Fourth International Symposium on Foreign Language and Literature Teaching, Feng Chia University.
2013 Ting, Wen-Ying; Kuo, Feng-Lan(20130913~20130913), Effectiveness of Different Types of Prosodic Instruction, LITERACY, CULTURE and TECHNOLOGY:FROM LOCAL to GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES.
2013 丁玟瑛;郭鳳蘭;平為民(20131031~20131103), The Interaction between oral proficiency and pronunciation features on Chinese EFL learners' intelligibility, 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Speech, Language, and Hearing.
2012 Feng-lan Kuo, Heien-kun Chiang, Wen-ying Ting, & Bob Pierce(20121026~20121028), Factors Affecting Chinese EFL Learners’ Intelligibility, The 14th International Conference on the Processing of East Asian Languages &.
2011 Ting, Wen-Ying(20110520~20110520), Moving toward "That Untraveled World"--incorporating listening activities into poem teaching, 亞洲大學第六屆外國文學教學研討會, 2011/5/20 - 2010/5/20..
2011 Ting, Wen-Ying(20110528~20110528), Detecting Ears for Connected Speech Modifications, 2011 International Conference on EFL Education:Tradition and Innovation.
2010 Ting, Wen-Ying(20100327~20100328), Poem-reading: an Alternative Oral Training, Continuity and Discontinuity: Interdisciplinary Spectrum in English Study and Teaching.
2010 Ting, Wen-Ying(20100423~20100425), Training Prosody for Fluency through Poem-reading: focusing on Reduced Forms, Asian EFL journal International Conference.
2010 Ting, Wen-Ying(20100603~20100603), Enhancing Comprehension through ORF, integrating drama into conversation teaching, 亞洲大學第五屆外國文學教學研討會.
2010 Ting, Wen-Ying(20101023~20101023), Imprisoned Heroes, (Un)Fulfilled Wishes: Knights on a Quest Not Theirs in the Knight's Tale, The Once and Future Romance.
Ting, Wen-Ying, Life Experiences in a Nutshell: telling your life stories in poems, International Conference on English Studies: Literature, Language and Teaching.
Ting, Wen-Ying, Efficiency of Using Background Knowledge in Oral Performance in the Freshman English Classroom, 2009 ELT Conference: Innovation ELT--Theory and Application(p.p147~161).
年度 活動名稱 主題/發表題目 活動期間
2010 教育部國中小英語教師 研習 講師 2010-
2004 愛彌兒幼教機構 英語教學顧問 2004-2008
2004 華視空中進修學院 證照英文、應用英文文選 客座教師 2004-2005
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
Jul 批判性思考能力培養:解構分析浪漫時期英詩 丁玟瑛 Aug -Jul
Jan 喚起記憶中的才華—英語音韻覺識教材創作 丁玟瑛 Aug -Jan
Dec 106年度中高階公務人員短期密集英語訓練採購專案 丁玟瑛 Apr -Dec
Jul 以文為學,以語為用 丁玟瑛 Aug -Jul
年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
2012 院級優良教師 靜宜大學
2011 院級優良導師 靜宜大學
2009 系教學優良 靜宜大學
2006 系績優導師 靜宜大學
1999 教學優良 靜宜大學
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1122 英四A 08070 畢業專題(二) 選修 2
1122 英三A 07733 英國文學(四):維多利亞至二十世紀初期 選修 2
1122 英三A 03647 英語兒童文學教學 選修 2
1122 英文碩一 10829 英詩研究與教學應用 選修 3
1122 英三A 04596 導師時間 必修 0
1122 英二Ab組 07697 中級英文作文(二) 必修 2
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
國立彰化師範大學 英(國)語(文)學系 博士 Improving Prosodic Fluency through Poetry Reading and Practice in Connected Speech and Stress英詩音律與節奏教學應用於增進英語口說流暢度之研究 博士論文