

  • 名稱
    Huang, Daphne Li-Jung
  • 連絡電話
  • 信箱
  • 個人著作參考網址
  • 最高學歷
    澳大利亞 墨爾本大學 語言學 博士
  • 研究專長
    雙語學; 跨文化溝通; 社會語言學; 應用語言學; 語言學
年度 參考文獻格式
2023 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne, Chen, Yuan-shan(2023). EFL student perceptions of email communication in the academic context in Taiwan. English Teaching & Learning, Vol. 47, No. 1, p.p47-68 [臺灣人文及社會科學期刊評比暨核心期刊].
2021 沈碩彬,陳怡伶, 黃麗蓉(2021)。大學推動國際教育現況與發展-以靜宜大學為例。台灣教育評論月刊,第10卷,第4期,頁98-100 [其它]。
2021 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne(2021). Developing intercultural communicative competence in foreign language classrooms - A study of EFL learners in Taiwan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Vol. 83, No. 0, p.p55-66 [SSCI].
2015 Huang, Li-jung; Kuo, Ming-yi(2015). A Case Study of Language Attitude: How Do Taiwanese Females View Mandarin-Speaking and Taiwanese-Speaking Males?. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, Vol. 4, No. 2, p.p161-169 [其它].
2015 Yang, Yi-Chun Christine; Huang, Li-Jung; Lai, Yu-Da(2015). Self-assessment, Noticing, and EFL Oral Ability. Providence Forum: Language and Humanities, Vol. 9, No. 1, p.p209-242 [THCI].
2009 Huang, Li-jung(2009). Language use in asynchronous computer-mediated communication in Taiwan. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 32, No. 2, p.p12.1-12.22 [其它].
2004 Huang, Li-jung(2004). Language choice and language use in emails. Multilingualism, minorities and language change, Vol. 0, No. 0, p.p49-58 [其它].
年度 參考文獻格式
2024 Chen, Yuan-Shan; Liu, Kuo-Yu; Huang, Li-Jung Daphne; Lin, Ming-Fang; Cheah, Ping Xiang(20240325~20240329), Designing a digital game-based mobile application for EFL learners to enhance linguistic and cultural competence, The 10th Asian Conference on Education and International Development.
2023 Liu, Kuo-Yu; Chen, Yuanshan; Lin, Ming-Fang; Huang, Li-Jung Daphne; Cheah, Ping Xiang(20231206~20231208), Developing a VR-based contextualized language learning system to enhance junior high school students' pragmatic competence, The 2023 ACM Multimedia Asia Conference.
2023 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne; Chen, Yuanshan(20231011~20231013), Student perceptions of email communication in the academic context in Taiwan, International Joint Conference of APLX, ETRA40, and TESPA 2023.
2021 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne(20210904~20210904), Assessing intercultural communicative competence – A study of EFL learners in Taiwan, The 4th Doing Research in Applied Linguistics (DRAL 4).
2021 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne(20211120~20211120), Integrating intercultural competence in bilingual programs, 英語、雙語與全英語教育之意義與實踐論壇.
2019 Huang, Li-Jung(20191031~20191101), Application of Discourse Analysis to the Teaching of Mainstream American Cultural Values, 2019 International Conference on Applied Linguistics (APLX 2019).
2018 Christine Chifen Tseng; Daphne Li-Jung Huang; Sabrina Ya-Ling Wu; Linda Yuanshan Chen(20180420~20180421), Whole Language Approach to Writing: Integrating TED Talks into EFL Writing Class, 2018 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT).
2018 Huang, Li-Jung(20180627~20180630), A study of assessing intercultural communicative competence among a group of EFL learners, Sociolinguistics Symposium 22.
2017 Christine Chifen Tseng; Linda Yuanshan Chen; Sabrina Ya-Ling Wu; Daphne Li-Jung Huang(20170519~20170519), Incorporation of Novel Reading & Graphic Organizers in a Genre-Based EFL Writing Course, 第34屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會.
2016 Huang, Li-jung; Yuanshan Chen; Ya-Ling Wu; Chifen Tseng(20160415~20160416), Workshop for an Integrated English Writing Course, 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT) A.
2015 Huang, Li-Jung(20150523~20150524), Learning L3 through L2 – A study of third language acquisition through English, 2015 International Conference on Language Education and Studies.
2015 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne(20151123~20151126), Third language acquisition – The influence of L2 on L3, 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2015).
2015 Huang, Li-Jung Daphne(20151123~20151126), Pragmatic transfer from Chinese to English in emails among EFL students in Taiwan, 4th International Conference on Language, Education and Diversity (LED 2015).
2014 Huang, Li-jung; Lin, Yi-wei(20140307~20140308), Attitudes of Taiwanese Youngsters toward English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese, 2014 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics.
2014 Huang, Li-jung, Tseng, Wan-ting(20140613~20140613), Bilingualism in Film – A case study on code-switching in Night Market Hero, 2014英語文教育暨研究學術論壇.
2014 Huang, Li-jung(20140530~20140530), Improving English academic writing skill by collaborative writing tasks in an EFL classroom, 2014英語教學學術研討會.
2014 Huang, Li-jung; Chan, Ting-ju(20140530~20140530), Third language acquisition: The Effect of English on Second Foreign Language in Taiwan, 2014英語教學學術研討會.
2012 Tseng, Wan-Ting; Huang, Li-jung(20120512~20120512), Language Use in the Film “Night Market Hero”, The 3rd Annual Tzu Chi University Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and English for Specific Purposes.
2012 Lin, Yi-wei; Huang, Li-jung(20120512~20120512), Language Attitudes toward English Loanwords in Mandarin Chinese, The 3rd Annual Tzu Chi University Conference on Literature, Linguistics, and English for Specific Purposes.
2012 Huang, Li-jung(20121023~20121023), Cross-cultural communication - A study of cross-cultural communication experiences of Hispanic students in Taiwan, 2012 UMAP Internationap Conference.
2011 Huang, Li-jung(20110929~20111001), Intercultural communication between Hispanic speakers and Chinese speakers in Taiwan, First Global Conference: Creating Cultural Synergies.
2011 *Tseng, Wan-Ting, Huang, Li-jung(20111027~20111030), English Teachers' Attitudes Toward English Policy of Grade 1-9 Curriculum in Taiwan: A Case Study of ShanTian Elementary School, The Third Asian Conference on Education 2011.
2011 *Li, Guo-Zhen, Huang, Li-jung(20111027~20111030), A Study of Gender Differences in Refusal, The Third Asian Conference on Education 2011.
2011 Huang, Li-jung(20111125~20111125), Learning difficulties in academic writing among a group of graduate students in Taiwan, 修平科技大學2011英語教學學術研討會.
2010 Huang, Li-jung(20100521~20100521), Cross-cultural communication between Taiwanese students and foreign students at Providence University, 2010大專跨校英語文教學國際研討會.
2010 Huang, Li-jung(20100901~20100904), Language contact phenomena on selected Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) in Taiwan, Sociolinguistics Symposium 18.
2010 *Huang, Li-jung, Tang, Chia-hung(20100901~20100904), A case study of TV commercials in Taiwan focusing on the relationship between gender, language, and stereotypes, Sociolinguistics Symposium 18.
2010 *Wen, Jing-hung, Huang, Li-jung(20100423~20100425), A Study of Phonological Variation of SUOYI in, 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference.
2009 Huang, Li-jung(20090605~20090605), Language use and code-switching on the internet, focusing on two selected bulletin board systems in Taiwan, 2009 ELT International Conference.
2009 Huang, Li-jung(20090910~20090912), Language contact at the level of language and at the level of writing system on the Internet in Taiwan, 6th International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism.
2009 Huang, Li-jung(20091202~20091204), Language use and linguistic creativity in asynchronous computer-mediated communication in Taiwan, First Combined Conference The Applied Linguistics Associations of NZ and Australia.
2008 Huang, Li-jung(20080824~20080829), Language choice and code-switching between Chinese and English in emails, AILA 2008.
2008 Huang, Li-jung(20081115~20081115), Language use in asynchronous computer-mediated communication in Taiwan, International Conference on English Studies: Literature, Language, Culture and Teaching.
2007 Huang, Li-jung(20070701~20070703), Language choice and code-switchingin newspapers in Taiwan, Conference of Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.
2003 Huang, Li-jung(200310~200310), Multilingualism in Taiwan, Conference of School of Languages.
2003 Huang, Li-jung(200307~200307), Switching between different writing systems, Conference of Applied Linguistics Association of Australia.
2002 Huang, Li-jung(200207~200207), Switching between Chinese and English in emails, Conference of Australian Linguistics Society.
2001 Huang, Li-jung(200110~200110), Language choice/Code choice in email writing amongst Taiwanese in the 20-35 years age group, Conference of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics.
Huang, Li-jung, Switching between Chinese and English in emails, MPLAL(p.p13~22).
Huang, Li-jung, Language choice and language use in emails – A social network analysis, International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Instruction.
Huang, Li-jung, Language choice and language use in emails, Multilingualism, minorities and language change(p.p49~58).
年度 活動名稱 主題/發表題目 活動期間
2022 2022 Forum on English, Bilingual and EMI Education 引言人 2022-2022
2022 Language and Intercultural Communication 論文審稿人 2022-2022
2022 Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 論文審稿人 2022-2022
2022 Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education 論文審稿人 2022-2022
2022 東華附小教師甄試 命題委員 2022-2022
2022 Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 論文審稿人 2022-2022
2022 教育部教學實踐計畫 計畫審查人 2022-2022
2022 輔仁大學 講師論文審查人 2022-2022
2021 2021 International Conference on English Studies Conference 研討會論文審稿人 2021-2021
2021 Study Abroad Research in Second Language Acquisition and International Education 論文審稿人 2021-2021
2021 110 學年度學科能力測驗英文考科 閱卷委員 2021-2021
2020 Forum of International Education Bilingual Education around the world 研討會引言人 2020-2020
2020 Taiwan International ESP Journal 論文審稿人 2020-2020
2020 109指考英文科閱卷 閱卷委員 2020-2020
2020 國立勤益科技大學應用英語系109年度學生實務專題競賽 專題競賽評審 2020-2020
2020 科技部 計畫審查人 2020-2020
2020 Applied Linguistics 論文審稿人 2020-2020
2020 109學年度學科能力測驗英文考科 閱卷委員 2020-2020
2019 Interplay: A Journal of Language, Linguistics, and Literature 論文審稿人 2019-2019
2019 108 學年度學科能力測驗英文考科 閱卷委員 2019-2019
2018 107指考英文科閱卷 閱卷委員 2018-2018
2018 107年專技普考外語導遊人員考試第二試外語口試 外語口試委員 2018-2018
2018 107 學年度學科能力測驗英文考科閱卷 閱卷委員 2018-2018
2017 Concentric: Studies in Linguistics 論文審稿人 2017-2017
2017 106 學年度學科能力測驗螢幕閱卷英文考科 閱卷委員 2017-2017
2016 靜宜語文論叢 論文審稿人 2016-2016
2016 English Teaching and Learning 論文審稿人 2016-2016
2016 105司法調查國安海巡及移民特考 命題委員 2016-2016
2016 105 學年度指定科目考試螢幕閱卷英文考科 閱卷委員 2016-2016
2016 靜宜語文論叢 論文審稿人 2016-2016
2015 2015群英行腳~大專英樂夏令營 志工團隊審查委員 2015-2015
2015 Applied Linguistics 論文審稿人 2015-2015
2014 第十五屆全國語言學論文研討會 研討會引言人 2014-2014
2014 靜宜語文論叢 論文審稿人 2014-2014
2014 第十五屆全國語言學論文研討會 審稿人以及協辦人 2014-2014
2011 Multimedia-Based Multicultural Instruction and Research: Innovative 21st-Century Approaches Symposium 論文審稿人 2011-2011
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
在台英文系學生跨文化溝通能力的學習發展與其學生個人因素的關聯 黃麗蓉 2017-2018
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1131 英一A 07817 英語語言學概論(一) 必修 2
1131 英二A 02468 語言與文化 選修 2
1131 英三A 05787 英語語言史 選修 2
1131 英四A 08067 畢業專題(一) 選修 2
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
澳大利亞 墨爾本大學 語言學 博士 Code-switching and language use in emails: A case study of a network of Chinese-English bilinguals in Taiwan 博士論文