

  • 名稱
    Chao, Yu-Chuan
  • 連絡電話
  • 信箱
  • 個人著作參考網址
  • 最高學歷
    PhD in Education, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • 研究專長
年度 參考文獻格式
2014 Yang, Yi-Chun; Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni; Huang, Chung-Kai(2014). The Role of EFL Teacher Beliefs in Web-Supported Writing Instruction and Feedback Practices. NCUE Journal of Humanities, Vol. 9, No. 0, p.p101-121 [其它].
2011 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Lo, H. C.(2011). Students' perceptions of Wiki-based collaborative writing for learners of English as a foreign language. Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 19, No. 4, p.p395-411 [SSCI].
年度 參考文獻格式
2023 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni & Yi-Pao Vincent Chang(20230626~20230628), Action Research to Explore the Pedagogical Effectiveness of Using ChatGPT for EMI: Two Cases and One Story, 2023 Pedagogy and Practice in Technology-Enhanced Language Learning Conference.
2023 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni & Wen-Chi Vivian Wu(20231115~20231117), Employing ChatGPT as a Personalized Tutor for EFL learners’ Presentation, International TESOL Conference UKI 70.
2022 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni & Yang, M. C.(20221118~20221120), A case study of a bilingual approach as a midway alternative toward EMI in higher education, 13th International Conference for English as a Lingua Franca.
2021 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni & Wu, T. M.(20211028~20211029), An exploration of language teachers’ views on the Global Issues Approach to English in higher education: A case study of a foreign language center, 2021 Taipei Tech International Conference on Applied Linguistics, Taipei, Taiwan..
2021 Wu, T.M. & Chao, Y-C. J.(20211204~20211204), The impact of teachers’ linguistic background and teaching experience on a theme-based language course: A case study of a foreign language center., English Scholar Beyond Borders.
2019 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20190306~20190308), Embracing Mobile-Assisted English Learning in the Global World, International Conference on English Studies Across and Beyond Borders.
2019 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni; Liaw, M. L.; Liou, H. C.; Wu, W. C.(20190517~20190518), Border-Crossing Between Technology and ELT, 第三十六屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會.
2019 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20190710~20190712), Examining the impacts of social presence in the community of computer-mediated communication for process writing, XXth International CALL Conference.
2019 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20190806~20190809), A selfie-character-playing approach to speaking for young learners of English as a foreign language, International Conference on Foreign Language Education and Technology (FLEAT) VII.
2018 Hung, J. R.; Chao, Y.-C. J.; Huang, C.-L.(20180323~20180325), An ARCS motivational approach to alphabetic skills in a remedial EFL program, The 5th English Scholars Beyond Boards Conference (ESBB 2018).
2018 Kung, H.H.; Chao, Y.-C. J.; Chiang, L.Y.(20180323~20180325), Using peer evaluation on young EFL learners’ speaking performance to enhance willingness to communicate, The 5th English Scholars Beyond Boards Conference (ESBB 2018).
2018 Lo, Y. T.; Chao, Y.-C. J.(20180323~20180325), Using board games to empower EFL elementary students in a remedial class, The 5th English Scholars Beyond Boards Conference (ESBB 2018).
2018 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20180816~20180818), Embracing mobile-assisted language learning in and out of the EFL reading classroom, GloCALL 2018 Conference & 15th ChinaCALL Conference 2018.
2017 Hung, H. T.; Chen C.H.; Chao, Y-C. J.(20170707~20170709), Lessons Learned from Flipping the Language Classroom with Video Lectures, Proceedings of CALL in Context(p.p360~366).
2016 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20160519~20160522), Tracking the acquisition of self-directed vocabulary learning situated in Facebook, The 3rd ESBB conference.
2016 Chen, D. H-R.: Chao, Y-C. J.(20160603~20160605), The Impact of Computer-assisted Vocabulary Learning on Young EFL learners’ approaches and acquisition, JALT CALL 2016.
2016 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20161117~20161118), Motivational Constructs of a Flipped Learning Approach to English Oral Training, The 9th International Conference of ICT for Language Learning.
2015 Wu, G. C. H.; Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20150826~20150829), Learners’ agency in a Facebook-mediated community, Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference: Critical CALL(p.p558~563).
2015 Yang, W. Y.; Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20150605~20150605), Using Interactive Technologies for English Vocabulary Learning, 2015 National Quemoy University English Conference.
2015 Hung, H. T.: Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20150811~20150815), A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence on the Use of Annotation Technology in Language Education, FOREIGN LANGUAGE EDUCATION & TECHNOLOGY (FLEAT IV).
2015 Hung,H. T.;Wu, W. C. V; Chao, Y-C. J.(20151112~20151114), Review of Annotation Technology Research in Computer-Assisted Language Learning Contexts, GLoCALL 2015.
2014 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni;Liu, Kuo-Yu(20140707~20140709), The path to language acquisition: Progressive learning or adaptive learning?, Proceedings of The XVIth International CALL Research Conference(p.p82~84).
2014 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20141130~20141204), Self-Directed Vocabulary Learning in Facebook: From the Perspective of Social Presence, WIPP Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Computers in Education(p.p58~60).
2014 Hsu, Vicky Wei-Yang; Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni; Wu, Wen-Chi Vivian(20140517~20140518), An empirical study of the impact of interactive technologies on vocabulary learning, The 31st International Conference on English Teaching and Learning.
2014 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni; Wu, Greg Chung-Hsien; Lee, Hsing-Chin(20141130~20141204), Self-Directed Vocabulary Learning in Facebook: From the Perspective of Social Presence, Proceedings of the 22th International Conference on Computers in Education.
2014 Hsu,Wei-yang Vicky; Wu, Chung-Hsien & Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20141121~20141123), The Effectiveness of Interactive Whiteboard on Learning English Vocabulary for Taiwanese High School Students, AsiaCALL2014.
2014 Chen, Yu-Hsin, Greg Chung-Hsien Wu, Yu-Chuan Joni Chao(20141113~20141114), The Effect of Listening via Mobile Learning on EFL College Learner’s Listening Proficiency, TWELF2014台灣數位學習發展研討會.
2013 Chao, Y-C. J.; Kaiser, M. & Wu, W-C. V.(20131118~20131122), Aligning Teaching and Learning of Foreign Languages through an Integrated Learning Environment of Feature Film Clips, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013)(p.p804~806).
2013 Chao, Y-C. J.; Huang, C-K.; Yang, Y-C.(20130316~20130319), Vocabulary learning situated in online social networking: From an ecological perspective, 2013 AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) Conference.
2013 Liu, W-Y., Chao, Y-C. J. & Wu, W-C. V.(20131118~20131122), Using Concept Maps to Enhance EFL Students’ Collaborative Writing: Paper-Based and Computer-Mediated Approaches, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013)(p.p789~790).
2013 Liou, H. C., Chang, M. M., Chao, Y. C. J., Wu, W. C. V., Lee, H. C., & Tsai, Y. S.(20130710~20130713), Social networking, collaborative learning, and emerging technologies: Sustainability claimed and projected, the 4th WorldCALL Conference.
2013 Ou-Yang, F-C., Wu, W-C. V., Chao, Y-C. J. & Liu, J.-W.(20131118~20131122), MyEVA mobile®: A mixed-modality vocabulary learning and offline-supported mobile system for English learning, Proceedings of the 21th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2013)(p.p797~800).
2013 Yang, Y. C. C., Chao, Y. C. J. & Huang, C. K.(20130710~20130713), Impacts of teacher beliefs in web-based writing on teaching approaches to teacher feedback, the 4th WorldCALL Conference.
2012 Liu, K-Y; Chao, Y-C J.(20120525~20120527), The Design of Online Grammar Attention and Language Awareness System for EFL Learners, Proceedings of the 15th International CALL Research Conference(p.p450~454).
2012 Hung, H.T. and Chao, Y.-C. J.(20121009~20121012), Vocabulary Learning with Mobile Technology: What Students Learn and How They React, Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2012(p.p1056~1061).
2012 Wu, W.-C. V., Chen, C.-H. & Chao, Y.-C. J.(20121126~20121130), Using Peer Review to Enhance EFL Writing via a Web-based System under Cross-Institutional Setting, Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computers in Education ICCE 2012(p.p662~664).
2012 陳丞卲;劉國有;趙毓銓(20120612~20120612),基本英文文法測驗系統的實作與成效評量,第六屆創新管理學術與實務研討會。
2011 Yen, L., Wu, W.C.V., Yang, J.C. & Chao, Y.C.J.(20110627~20110628), Promotion of Student Problem-Solving Skills, Motivation, Knowledge Acquisition and English Proficiency Level Using an Interactive Computer Game, Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011(p.p1665~1672).
2011 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Wu, W.-C. V.(20110831~20110903), The effectiveness of using Facebook as a community of practice on enhancing vocabulary learning for EFL learners in Taiwan, EuroCALL 2011.
2010 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Wu, W-C.(20100702~20100703), An active processing approach to accuracy in EFL writing: Teaching-material editing, input processing plus think-aloud and peer editing, English and Language Studies Annual Conference (Cutting Edges).
2010 Wu, W.-C. & Chao, Y.-C. J.(20100628~20100701), Assessing EFL Learners’ cultural awareness and linguistic competency in a Web-based Learning context, The 10th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness.
2010 Chang, L.-M, & Chao, Y.-C. J.(20100725~20100728), Language Awareness in Self-Correction with Think-Aloud Protocols: A Case Study of Six Young Taiwanese EFL Learners, The 10th International Conference of the Association for Language Awareness.
2009 Chao, Y.-C. J.(20090630~20090702), An instructional design of computer-mediated collaborative writing to enhance metacognitive knowledge on writing in English as a foreign language (EFL), the 5th biennial EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing) 2009 Conference.
2009 Chao, Y.-C. J.(20090913~20090916), Synchronous online communicative tasks: An approach to a focus on form in EFL writing, the 3rd Biennial International Conference on Task-Based Language Teaching.
2009 Chao, Y.-C. J.(20090909~20090912), An exploration of writing together: Self-efficacy and self-regulation in a wiki-mediated collaborative writing project for EFL learners in Taiwan, EUROCALL 2009.
2009 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Chang, L.-M.(20090909~20090912), A YouTube approach to task-based language learning for young Taiwanese EFL learners, EUROCALL 2009.
2008 Chao, Y.-C. J., Huang, C.-K., Lo, H.-C., & Liu, Y.-S.(20080805~20080808), Wiki as a Medium of Scaffolding for Process Writing: A Study of an Online Collaborative Writing Project for Taiwanese EFL Learners, WorldCALL 2008: CALL Bridges the World.
2008 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Huang, C.-K.(20080629~20080702), Focus on Form in L2 Writing: Peer Editing on Wiki, The 29th Annual National Educational Computing Conference (NECC).
2008 Chao, Y.-C. J.(20080503~20080504), A wiki-mediated collaborative approach to writing process, The 25th International Conference of English Teaching and Learning in ROC and 2008 International Conference on English Instruction and Assessment.
2006 Chao, Y.-C. J. & Huang, C.-K.(200609~200609), Teaching and learning cross-cultural communication: An exploratory study of pragmatic development in the EFL classroom in Taiwan, Conference on Foreign Language Application--Cross-Cultural Communication and Foreign Language Application.
Chao, Y.-C. J., Spoken Language Used in L2 Writing: A Transitional Development?, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on English Teaching, Volum II(p.p18~26).
Chao, Y.-C. J., Vocabulary Abilities Needed for a TOEFL-type Test of Writing, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on English Teaching(p.p173~187).
Chao, Y.-C. J. & Huang, C.-K., The Effectiveness of computer-mediated communication on enhancing writing process and writing outcomes: Implementation of blog and wiki in the EFL writing class in Taiwan, Preceedings of ED-MEDIA 2007--World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications(p.p3463~3468).
Huang, C.-K., Chao, Y.-C. J., & Lin, C.-Y, Web 2.0 in and out of the Language Classroom, Proceedings of the WorldCALL 2008 Conference: CALL Bridges the World(p.p253~256).
Chao, Y.-C. J. & Wu, W.-C. V., Impacts of online social networking as a community of practice in an English department in Taiwan, Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011(p.p351~357).
Wu, W.C.V., Chao, Y.C.J. & Marek, M., Assessing EFL Learners’ Cultural Awareness in a Web-based Active Learning Context, Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2011(p.p1254~1259).
年度 活動名稱 主題/發表題目 活動期間
2023 東海大學二語研討會 論文摘要審查 2023-2023
2021 逢甲人文社會學學報 審稿 2021-2021
2021 教育部教學實踐研究計畫 審查 2021-2021
2019 光華高工 演講與工作坊「全球議題融入英文課程」 2019-2019
2018 中山醫學大學 邀請擔任國際講座課程「從外語、國際合作、社會福利思考亞洲共同體」系列講座講師 2018-2018
2018 南澳洲大學教育學院 受邀演講 2018-2018
2018 南澳洲英語教學學會(TESOL Association of South Australia) 邀請擔任澳洲英語教學國際研討會(ACTA International Conference 2018) 座談主講人 2018-2018
2018 南澳洲英語教學學會(TESOL Association of South Australia) 邀請擔任澳洲英語教學國際研討會行動英語教學工作坊主講人 (6小時) 2018-2018
2016 第三十三屆中華民國英語文教學研究國際研討會 審稿委員 2016-2016
2016 The 3rd ESBB Conference Moderator 2016-2016
2016 國立高雄第一科技大學語言創新教學講座 主講人 2016-2016
2015 科技部 審查104年專題研究計畫 2015-2015
2015 科技部人文司 103年度之大專學生研究計畫創作獎 2015-2015
2015 嶺東科技大學 學位論文申請送審助理教授之校外審查委員 2015-2015
2015 中山醫學大學 教師升等著作外審委員 2015-2015
2014 13th International Conference of AsiaCALL Moderator 2014-2014
2014 國立暨南國際大學「e世代數位英語教學講座 主講人 2014-2014
2014 台中教育大學教學工作坊 課程講師 2014-2014
2013 第十七屆全球華人電腦教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2013) 主題子會議 C5 科技增強語言學習議程委員 2013-2013
2013 與SSCI國際期刊主編探討研究設計及論文撰稿工作坊 議程委員 2013-2013
2013 2013 數數位學習科學主題研究群之語言學習交流流會議 主講者 2013-2013
2013 數數位學習科學主題研究群之語言學習交流流會議 主講者 2013-2013
2012 國立彰化師範大學文學院學報 全文論文審稿 2012-2012
2012 Computer Assisted Language Learning: Special issue (SSCI) Guest Editor (主編) 2012-2013
2012 第十六屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會 (GCCCE 2012) 主題子會議 C5 科技增強語言學習議程委員 2012-2012
2012 Proceedings of The 15th International CALL Research Conference (ISBN: 9789866195518) 主編 2012-2012
2011 100年度教育部國民小學師資培育聯盟─英語學習領域教學中心教師標準 諮詢委員 2011-2011
2011 與TELL國際期刊主編探討研究設計及論文撰稿工作坊 議程主席、研討會主持人 2011-2011
2011 靜宜語文論叢 全文論文審稿 2011-2011
2011 靜宜語文論叢 全文論文審稿 2011-2011
2011 2012年第十五屆國際性電腦輔助語言學習研究研討會 籌備委員、 議程主席、研討會主持人 2011-2012
2011 東海大學 博士論文助理教授資格外審委員 2011-2011
2011 第二十八屆英語文教學國際研討會 論壇演講引言人 2011-2011
2011 財團法人大學入學考試中心 100學年度學科能力測驗英文科閱卷委員 2011-2011
2010 2010 Asian EFL Journal Special Issue Vol. 12 Issue 4 Guess Editor (主編) 2010-2010
2010 教育部技專校院提升學生外語能力計畫 審查3件提升學生外語能力計畫案 2010-2011
2010 第十八屆英美文學學術研討會 全國外(英)文系系主任聯誼會座談分享教學創新計畫---英語文創意網 2010-2010
2010 英語教學期刊 (English Teaching & Learning) 審稿 2010-2010
2010 2010 第二屆逢甲大學英語文教學學術研討會 審稿 2010-2010
2010 靜宜語文論叢 審稿 2010-2010
2010 第十四屆靜宜大學兒童文學與兒童語言全國學術研討會 引言人 2010-2010
2010 靜宜語文論叢 審稿 2010-2010
2010 Taiwan International ESP Journal 審稿 2010-2010
2010 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference 研討會論文審查委員 2010-2010
2010 2010 Asian EFL Journal International Conference 研討會主持人 2010-2010
2010 2010 Asia EFL Journal International Conference Conference Program Chair 2010-2010
2010 Proceedings of 2010 Asia EFL Journal International Conference Editor 2010-2010
2010 國立高雄第一科技大學,應外系 碩士論文口試委員 2010-2010
2009 空中英語教室之e世代數位教學說明會:互動、創意、典藏 演講 2009-2009
2009 Taiwan International ESP Journal 審稿 2009-2009
2009 Providence Forum: Language and Humanities [靜宜語文論叢] (THCI, ISSN:2078-4872) 期刊編審委員 2009-2012
2008 國立雲林科技大學,應用外語系 碩士學位口試委員 2008-2008
2008 大漢技術學院學報 審稿 2008-2008
2008 中臺科技大學教學卓越講座:搜尋、開放與分享 演講 2008-2008
2007 中臺科技大學教學卓越子計畫A 教師工作坊-「英文研究論文寫作」研習之指導教授 2007-2007
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
電腦輔助語言教學之當今趨勢與永續發展:整合教學實務與學習動機 趙毓銓 2015-2016
運用線上社交網絡之自我導向學習探討英文字彙習得之實證研究 趙毓銓 2014-2015 曾守得
籌辦2012年The 15th International CALL Research Conference 以提升台灣電腦輔助學習研究領域之國際能見度 (拋光計畫) 吳文琪, 陳年興, 曾守得, 趙毓銓 2011-2012
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1132 英四A 08070 畢業專題(二) 選修 2
1132 生態A班 04887 英文(二) 必修 2
1132 寰宇外語教育二A 10112 英語閱讀與寫作(二) 必修 2
1132 英文碩一 07584 電腦輔助語言教學研究 選修 3
1132 英一Aa組 07689 基礎英文作文(二) 必修 2
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
PhD in Education, The University of Auckland, New Zealand Contrastive Rhetoric, Lexico-Grammatical Knowledge, Writing Expertise, and Metacognitive Knowledge: An Integrated Account of the Development of English Writing by Taiwanese Students 博士論文