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    美國 亞歷桑那州立大學 語言學/應用語言學所 博士
  • 研究專長
年度 參考文獻格式
2023 WU, TAI-MIN, Chen-Yu Chester Hsieh(20231021~20231021), Exploring the impact of pedagogical interventions on EFL students’ mediation strategies for summary writing: Sociocultural and Activity Theory perspectives., Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research.
2023 WU, TAI-MIN, Chen-Yu Chester Hsieh(20231021~20231021), Exploring the impact of pedagogical interventions on EFL students’ mediation strategies for summary writing: Sociocultural and Activity Theory perspectives., Tunghai International Conference on Second Language Teaching and Research.
2022 Wu, Tai-Min Tammy, Hsieh, Chen-Yu Chester(20221206~20221209), L2 writers’ strategies for source-based writing: Are pedagogical interventions effective?, International Congress on English Language Education and Applied Linguistics.
2021 WU, TAI-MIN(20210416~20210417), A historical reivew on writing portfolios for ESL/EFL students: From a testing tool to a pedagogical instrument, The International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching.
2021 WU, TAI-MIN(20210723~20210724), Exploring teachers’ writing assessment literacy in multilingual First-Year Composition: A qualitative study on e-portfolios., The 38th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning.
2021 Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni, Wu, Tai-Min Tammy(20211028~20211029), An exploration of language teachers’ views on the Global Issues Approach to English in higher education: A case study of a foreign language center, The 2021 Taipei Tech International Conference on Applied Linguistics.
2021 Wu, Taimin Tammy, Chao, Yu-Chuan Joni(20211204~20211205), The impact of teachers’ linguistic background and teaching experience on a theme-based language course: A case study of a foreign language center., English Scholar Beyond Borders and Dhofar University International Conference.
年度 計畫名稱 主持人 計畫期間 共同主持人
Jan 「引用好難!」探討教學介入工具減輕EFL學術寫作非蓄意剽竊之功效 吳黛敏 Aug -Jan
Jul 【112年教育部教學實踐】「我這樣算抄襲嗎?」探討教學介具改善第二語言寫作抄襲之功效 吳黛敏 Aug -Jul
Jul 數位化歷程檔案之核心元素與選擇性元素: EFL大學生經驗 之前導實驗 吳黛敏 Aug -Jul
學期別 班級 科目代碼 科目名稱 修別 學分數
1122 英四A 08070 畢業專題(二) 選修 2
1122 英四B 04596 導師時間 必修 0
1122 英一Aa組 04887 英文(二) 必修 3
1122 英四A 12109 素養與英語教學 選修 2
1122 職產處A班 08441 企業實習(三) 選修 9
1122 寰宇管理學程一Aa組 08529 寰宇學術閱讀寫作 選修 4
1122 英二Aa組 07697 中級英文作文(二) 必修 2
學校名稱 論文名稱 學位
美國 亞歷桑那州立大學 語言學/應用語言學所 博士 Exploring teachers' writing assessment literacy in multilingual first-year composition: A qualitative study on e-portfolios 博士論文